Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mary Mary- Thank You

My attitude? Gratitude!
Sometimes when things aren’t looking the greatest it’s hard for us to find something to smile about.
It’s hard for us to see the good in a hard situation.
My Life.
I’m thankful.I find myself fussing over not being able to buy the shoes I want, or not getting the phone that I saw in the commercial. When there are much bigger things happening in the world around me.
This morning I asked myself what’s the point of thanks giving?
It was then when my mom said to just look at the day in a different way.
She said while I’m doing something think about people who do not have the same opportunities.
When I brushed my teeth I remembered children in Africa that have to walk miles for fresh water.
When I got a drive to work, I thought about people who were looking for jobs for years.
When I came home after work and I was complaining about what my mom made for dinner, I caught myself and thought about people all over the world who hadn’t gotten a meal at all that day.
When I think about my life, in comparison to the life that people all over the world live each day I am thankful and my heart is full of gratitude.
I am blessed with a home, a wonderful family, and an education… what more could I ask for?
A lot !

can always ask for more, even if we feel we have it all.
We just have to learn to be content and grateful with what we have.

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