Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tomorrow at church i have the privilege to  share a spoken word piece that iIhave written that goes along with the pastor's message. I am really excited, but nervous at the same time. i hope my poem is powerful enough to impact at lease one person in the service. Wish me luck world :) 

A transplant 
My last chance
See I feel as though its time 
Lord I'm willing to mime 
No more on my own time 
I hear the bells. I hear the chimes.
I hear you calling my name 
Your voice, the same 
But this time my answer has changed 
See my answer is .. Change. 
I have this mentality 
That keeps on bounding me 
Its holding me back
And getting me off track 
Its patience I lack.
I know you will do it, but when?
And do you need my help?
Should I jump in ?
I've got a bended spine 
I need a new mind 
A ruber neck
Get me in check
Check out 
My broken heart
Just tell me where to start 
Lost I am 
I need a plan 
I've been looking 
And looking
And searching 
For some thing for anything 
But kept on passing by 
The only thing
Your word 
The perfect blueprint 
If I follow it , my condition. Mint. 
I let these people tint 
My perception of you 
Filling my mind with doubt 
And looking first to everyone but you 
See lord what I'm begging of you
Is that you would begin to renew 
Create a new heart in me 
One that's pure you see 
So that I can fulfill 
all that is destined of me

Saturday, January 22, 2011

its kerri babyyyy

As a young woman its important that we choose good influences. The media can sometimes portray a negative image for black females as the people that we see the most make wrong 
things look so good and interesting. Today I watched a few videos on singer, song writer 

Kerri Hillson. I believe that she is a good 
role model. 
She speaks so strongly on woman in a positive 
way. She recently released a song that I believe any girl can listen to and automatically feel great about themselves. 
"Pretty Girl Rock."
 With the confidence of a lion, hilson uses her creativity, and passion for music influencing \girls across the

The Acting Room

Today while looking for an article to read from the acting room, it took me a while to choose one that interested me, but when I did find this article on “using faith to guide your acting career” I knew it was the one. This article has also become my favorite things that I have read so far just because I could relate to it so well, and because I was filled with “ah-ha” moments.
Some of my “ah-ha moments include” the following:
“How can we, as people OF Faith, guide our own lives, THROUGH our Faith?”
I had to read the above quotation several times, that is how organic it was.
After trying to understand I for several minutes I actually came to the conclusion that if I as an actor who is also a Christian I shouldn’t think about how I can guide my life, but like everything else give all to God and trust that he will take care of it. Whether it is like in the article finding a Christian agent or finding a Christian role; I believe that once you put everything including your career into God’s hands everything happens for a reason.
My second “ah-ha moment”
“I believe that God makes people perfect in every way, it’s just our society and culture that makes us do bad things, and that’s usually because of desperation or lack of love.”
 I believe that the root of sin is in fact the lack of love. We look to other things that aren't always he best things  when we as Christians should be looking to God, for it is him that can provide all the love we ever need. Being in a industry such as acting, as actors and actresses we always are looking for some kind of reward or praise. We forget that God looks down on us happily every time we do something good, in this we look for approval in the wrong places such as the media, or ticket sales.  We must remember that God has given us his approval and that is why we have made it as a far as we have.

Post Reading Acting Professionally

I have learnt a lot from reading the book “Acting Professionally” by Robert Cohen.
One of the things that I have learnt and will stick with me forever is what it takes to become an actor.

Many thing are mentioned by Robert Cohen but I believe the number one thing is Commitment.
Having commitment and a massive will to succeed is the biggest thing. Within the entertainment business there are many who are going for exactly what it is you are going for. There will be times when you will be told that you do not have the talent required, and an up and coming actor might go years without a job or any recognition. There will be times when one may feel as though there is no hope left, and may even question if they have chosen the right career path, and that’s why the actors have to want it. Whether it is being a doctor or a lawyer or teacher, one can just go to school and gain the knowledge necessary and become better than those around you. On the other hand with acting the most important requirement is talent. Some are just born with it some have to take courses and classes to get it. I believe that a person who is willing to learn grow and wants it no matter what obstacle they come across will be the one to succeed whether they have raw talent or not. 

I have a lot from reading the book and If asked to rate the book “Acting Professionally” on a scale from 1-10 I would have to rate the book a 7. The book is filled with amazing information and very useful  tips; but the writing style used by author Robert Cohen Is very convoluted and can come across as being over written. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

T Time

Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I am a little obsessed with Teyana Taylor. Teyana Taylor is signed with Pharell. I first discovered her on one of my favorite Tv  shows “My super Sweet Sixteen.” in that one hour of viewing her sweet sixteen party I was completely compelled and intrigued by her style, grace and confidence. Ever since then I have been  a fan of her . I watch he YouTube videos, follow her blogs, follow her on Twitter, an watch her tutorials on Ustream. Teyana is beautiful and amazingly talented as she choreographs for some of thi biggest stars, styles some of the biggest stars, raps and sings. I really respect her because I feel as though for a female in the industry she is very positive compared to others. She is motivational and speaks highly on woman and how much they should respect them selves. Just by watching her videos I have been moved and inspired. She has helped me come to know my worth as a  young lady. And although I don't know her, she has changed my life.
-thanks TT

Saturday, January 15, 2011


John legend. Amazing.

He speaks so highly of woman, unlike many other male R&b singers.
Its as if he knows just what to say and how to say it.
I didn't use to listen to him, I thought he was boring; but listening his entire album I see that hes a very clever artist.
his album "Evolver" is amazing! 
every song has such deep meaning and truth behind it 

one line he used that i love and stuck with me is from his song take me away. 

"take me away from here, take me somewhere where love is like breathing" 


Thursday, January 13, 2011


"you can keep that love that changes, you love me on Tuesday but then you tripping on Wednesday, you find another friend to love on Thursday, & when that friend don't wanna have nothing to do with ya you come to me on Friday" The ordinary just won't do I need a love that's pure & true, I can always find it in you Jesus."