Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tomorrow at church i have the privilege to  share a spoken word piece that iIhave written that goes along with the pastor's message. I am really excited, but nervous at the same time. i hope my poem is powerful enough to impact at lease one person in the service. Wish me luck world :) 

A transplant 
My last chance
See I feel as though its time 
Lord I'm willing to mime 
No more on my own time 
I hear the bells. I hear the chimes.
I hear you calling my name 
Your voice, the same 
But this time my answer has changed 
See my answer is .. Change. 
I have this mentality 
That keeps on bounding me 
Its holding me back
And getting me off track 
Its patience I lack.
I know you will do it, but when?
And do you need my help?
Should I jump in ?
I've got a bended spine 
I need a new mind 
A ruber neck
Get me in check
Check out 
My broken heart
Just tell me where to start 
Lost I am 
I need a plan 
I've been looking 
And looking
And searching 
For some thing for anything 
But kept on passing by 
The only thing
Your word 
The perfect blueprint 
If I follow it , my condition. Mint. 
I let these people tint 
My perception of you 
Filling my mind with doubt 
And looking first to everyone but you 
See lord what I'm begging of you
Is that you would begin to renew 
Create a new heart in me 
One that's pure you see 
So that I can fulfill 
all that is destined of me

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