Friday, December 31, 2010


For years now I have seen my cousin working at her dreams. Whether it was her in a group, being 
or a solo artist or switching producers she has been working hard at getting into the music industry. 
While I was at her photo shoot, and she was laughing and smiling and posing for the camera I found
 it hard to believe that just weeks before that she was giving up. It’s important that when we have a 
dream we stick with it even when the going gets tough. It’s those tough times that make the victory 
so much sweeter. Today my cousin released her first video; she called me at four in the morning to
tell me. I was just excited as she was. It amazing seeing her dreams come true one by one, and most
importantly I'm happy and honored to be a part of her life and her journey. I think I play an important 
part as she can come to me for honest advice and suggestions. It’s great, having a cousin and friend 
that I can look up to, someone with so much ambition, someone who I can motivate me to reach for the
 stars even when she's working on reaching as well. I can't wait for the day I see her on TV. Even just to
 see her new video lets me know that dreams can become realities. 

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