Friday, December 31, 2010

2011.. it's MY year.

Going into the new year I am so excited. I am looking forward to a fresh start. The past year of my life has been a rough road,but at the end of the year I am glad to say that I do know who I am, what I want and I can see that I've grown. I am so ready to just put all of the lessons learned into my life and continue to grow into a wonderful woman. I have my selected few friends that I have helped me overcome many obstacles, my family that have and will always be there and most importantly an amazing, faithful,merciful God. Jesus christ my savior. All though things were hard I am glad I went through all that I did go through; those obstacles and situations made me who I am today and who I want to be. 2011 is a big year for me, I am going off to university away from home. I am going to be on my own, and I feel more ready then ever before. I am excited for the great things I will accomplish, I can't wait to impact the world and the people around me. I have so many goals that I believe are going to come true this year. I can't wait ! Happy new year everyone


For years now I have seen my cousin working at her dreams. Whether it was her in a group, being 
or a solo artist or switching producers she has been working hard at getting into the music industry. 
While I was at her photo shoot, and she was laughing and smiling and posing for the camera I found
 it hard to believe that just weeks before that she was giving up. It’s important that when we have a 
dream we stick with it even when the going gets tough. It’s those tough times that make the victory 
so much sweeter. Today my cousin released her first video; she called me at four in the morning to
tell me. I was just excited as she was. It amazing seeing her dreams come true one by one, and most
importantly I'm happy and honored to be a part of her life and her journey. I think I play an important 
part as she can come to me for honest advice and suggestions. It’s great, having a cousin and friend 
that I can look up to, someone with so much ambition, someone who I can motivate me to reach for the
 stars even when she's working on reaching as well. I can't wait for the day I see her on TV. Even just to
 see her new video lets me know that dreams can become realities. 

Best Friends

Best friends are important. I here girls my age always say that they are independent and don't need anyone but themselves which is great but I will not deny that it’s great having best friends. I have a couple best friends that have always been around for me. We have been though many ups and downs but at the end of the day they are here. I love sharing memories to see how far we have all come. I have friends that help me on my spiritually journey, friends to make me laugh, and friends to just hang out with and friends that pick me up when I fall down. I could do it by myself but friends make it that much easier. This might seem corny but I can truly say that my best friend is God. I honestly wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. His forgiveness his grace his faithfulness and trust is the reason I can smile today. I am grateful, I am happy and it’s all because of great friends. Thank You to all who have been there for me, for sticking around on my days when life wasn’t always the prettiest. I am not perfect and I've known I can be a brat, but the people I need the most are in my life and for that I say Thank you. 

How could it Be?

Heres a poem I wrote in some of my more emotional times. I speak upon realistic moments in my life, that reflect exactly how my life was at the time. When carefully read, I only hope that you take something away with you and understand it..because it's part of me.

So respected
How could it be 
That you use words like 
"Confidence and maturity"
He used words like 
"Go away" when I was trying to stay 
See what I'm tryna say is. 
I lay in my bed in disbelief
Because you bring relief 
A smile something I haven't done in a while 
And you love it! 
Even though I would put all above it 
The best of me? 
How could it be 
That something so new and so fresh can. Have me loosing rest 
I can't wait to know the rest 
What makes u laugh 
What makes u smile. 
What I can do to have u stay here for a while 
In my presence with your grace. 
That brings out my grace. 
That puts a smile on my face 
But better yet a smile on his face. 
And For this I see nothing but 
Am i 
To even have met you 
You represent his
Its a must 
That I share 
That what u bring is so rare. 
And its 
But it was 
carefully selected 

Class Christmas Party

On the last day of school myself Jenisha and Risa planned a class Christmas party. I feel it is important that we as a class take time to build a friendship and be a family. Social events have the power to do just that. It was stressful at first planning the event because of obstacles we came across. The date didn't work for some people as they had other commitments and in the beginning everyone wasn't as excited about the event as I was. I was honestly frustrated and ready to give up but my fellow classmates and team mates for social events pushed me to pull through. I'm glad I did as the event was a success. We decided to have it as a class party, we devoted the entire period to socializing and handing out our secret Santa gifts. I had lots of fun and it made me happy to me my class mates laughing and smiling.  There was man sentimental moments that myself and others in the class shared. it was beautiful to see everyone connecting on a different level. i received some beautiful cards that touched my heart, cards that i will cherish forever.  

I look forward to planning more events for the rest of the semester and being an impact on the family we are becoming. I am happy with the social events job I chosen and I do believe I am doing a good job. 

The beautiful Olunike Adeliyi

A while back I had the amazing oppertunity of meeting one of my newest role models Olunike  Adeliyi my class and I had heard many stories about her from our teachers and past students but I didn't believe any of them until I saw her myself. I have to say she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I believe beauty is more than just physical appearance. Olunike’s beauty shined right through her soul and into our class room. It was a blessing to be in her presence. The day that she came in was a rough day for me but seeing how she carried herself and hearing her voice and what she talked about just gave me so much hope. She had such a positive outlook on life and such a wonderful spirit. I believe confidence is key; her confidence was so amazing. It is my dream to have confidence just like her. At the end of the class I asked her “were you always this confident”? she responded by saying that she wasn't, but she is now and every day she gets more and confident and that I’ll get there soon. After seeing her I do believe that I will get there. So far, Olunike is one of my favorite memory of the Acting Academy class, with that said, I am truly grateful for meeting the beautiful Olunike Adeliyi.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Cocrete Wonderland.

Channel heels on a concrete road
Versace shades when the times so cold
No light for the homeless man
The brightest thing is the womans spray on tan
collecting his life savings in a can
People begging for change nickels and dimes
Peace and equality
We take and take from the homeless man.
His hope is gone
So is
his ability to stand
On his own
We throw our trash on his home
The streets we rome
In his dome,
How do we expect them to remain
When on their fight for survival they live in front of their rivals
the high end boutiques
With antiques and uniques
Buyers, customers and supporters
Walk past the poor to support the rich
The wealthy, well off.
Of the streets into the malls.
For the man with nothing at all
All stares and glares
Through versace shades
Piercing his heart like
Exploding grenades
He screams but we cannot hear
We are to focused on looking for the
Latest gear
What to wear?
We don't share
We don't care.
No generosity .
The cities moving faster and faster
Disaster when time sits still
For the man without a watch
No rolex, no g-shock
No shock
He feels this way
This is his reality
Because of their low morality
No love
No dove
No shove
For the man
Who sits on his concrete wonderland.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

im not alone.

Every Sunday I go to a small church; Day Spring.
I have been to many churches before but none are like mine.
It is a place where I can go to learn, and grow and feel comfortable doing so.
We have many small groups, that everyone is welcomed to join,  I am apart of Youth.
This Friday myself and the youth group went to " The Truth Behind Hip hop."
Before Friday I have watched small clips on you tube because  I believe KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
Its funny because when I was younger i would be scared or nervous to watch the videos because I knew by the end of it I would have to stop listening to an artist, because of the information I received.
This time though I wanted the knowledge. I wanted to know the truth, and now I do.
On this excursion I was more than just amazed by the lesson I learnt I was also shocked bout how many people were there.
Because I go to a church that is so small i guess I forgot how many people are like me.
how many people interested the same thing as me, how many people are on the same path as me.
I felt like it was where i was supposed to be, any doubt I had about the path i was on vanished because of how well I could relate to the people around me.
I loved every moment of it!
I felt proud, to be part of such a wonderful evening.
The thing that amazed me the most was the amount of youth that were at the event.
It was a Friday night and and there were so many youth, because it was Halloween I know that all those youth could have been somewhere else.
It was the first time in a long time that  I was proud of my generation.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

a woman Phenomenally.

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing of my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can't see.
I say
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me. -MAYA ANGELOU

There's nothing that I'm more proud of then the fact that I am a woman.

Athough I believe we face many challenges in our life, I wouldn't trade being a woman for the world.

I think that with being a woman in my generation there are a lot of stereotypes put on us, there are a lot of expectations and doubt put on our gender,and our abilities.

Each and everyday I thank God for not only being with me but also blessing me with opportunities that only a woman can go through.
These opportunities make me strong and have educated me.

We have it hard as teenage girls.

Whether its the fight for attention, the expectations that the media say we must meet, or the praise and support that we are continuously on he hunt for.

We are always faced with obstacles.

As a young woman I find that it is easy for us to loose ourselves. Whether it be the people that we around ourselves with or the images that surround us its hard to stay on track and truly make it it to were we are trying to go.
With beautiful pieces like the ones above it is easy for us to remember who we are, the power we have, and why we are here.

I am a rose, a concrete rose, a Phenomenal woman. A woman.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Angelina Jolie

one of my favorite actors is Angelina Jolie.
she has been by idol for many years.
She is beautiful, talented and a giving person.
when watching her in movies I get inspired she is blessed.
she can play any role to the tee !
my favorite movie she stared in is "Girl Interrupted."
It is also one of my favorite movies of all time.
she has this presence about her that makes it hard for anyone to dislike anything she is in.
i always look out for what movies shes staring in, and how she is impact the world with her great
humanitarian work . She is truly an inspiration.

Mary Mary- Thank You

My attitude? Gratitude!
Sometimes when things aren’t looking the greatest it’s hard for us to find something to smile about.
It’s hard for us to see the good in a hard situation.
My Life.
I’m thankful.I find myself fussing over not being able to buy the shoes I want, or not getting the phone that I saw in the commercial. When there are much bigger things happening in the world around me.
This morning I asked myself what’s the point of thanks giving?
It was then when my mom said to just look at the day in a different way.
She said while I’m doing something think about people who do not have the same opportunities.
When I brushed my teeth I remembered children in Africa that have to walk miles for fresh water.
When I got a drive to work, I thought about people who were looking for jobs for years.
When I came home after work and I was complaining about what my mom made for dinner, I caught myself and thought about people all over the world who hadn’t gotten a meal at all that day.
When I think about my life, in comparison to the life that people all over the world live each day I am thankful and my heart is full of gratitude.
I am blessed with a home, a wonderful family, and an education… what more could I ask for?
A lot !

can always ask for more, even if we feel we have it all.
We just have to learn to be content and grateful with what we have.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Finding the essence of an actor

When I hear the word essence the first thing that comes to my mind is the word truth.
The truth is all that matters. Finding the true emotions and making it look like your believable and allowing the audience to feel the truth in the performance can make or break it.
This week I read an article on truthful acting @
some points I took from the article that I believe will help an actor find the essence are:
• do not use un-natural body language
• know what your speaking about, ensure you’re not "singing" your words
• know what your lines mean to YOU
• don’t be to much in your head!
• do your critical critiquing after your performance
• find the emotion of the character and connect to the emotion personally
• don’t over think your roles
• concentrate on being "in the moment"
Coming into to this class with little to no experience I take and appreciate any feed back or tips I get! When it comes to finding the essence of an actor and making your scene believable the tips above are extremely useful.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

living life with a purpose...

todays confession :

what is a "BUCKET LIST"
:a list of things you want to do before you die.
what is on my bucket list ?

1: Travel the world

2. Teach in Niger

3. Meet and Work With Donald Trump

4. Be Interviewed by Oprah

5. Open a group Home for young females

6. Buy a home for my parents and grandmother

7. Go shopping with Teyanna Taylor and Kanye West

8.Live In China

9. Get Married

10: See my brother play professional soccer

As individuls, artists,and SOUL VISONAIRYS It is impotant for us to have and live off of a bucket list. A bucket list allows us to live with purpose and allows us to set goals and dreams. As youth in this world we must find out what the top things are that we want to attain in our life, so that we can make an impact, and prove to ourseleves and others that we were put on this world for a reason.

The Rose That Grew From Concrete

Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems,but by keeping it's dreams, it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the ROSE that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared.-Tupac Shakur